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Wednesday, March 23, 2011

2011 NCAA Tournament All-Name Team

Many accolades are handed out to the players of college basketball. I think it's time the parents got some acknowledgement. I've compiled a list of the best names in college basketball. These names are sometimes funny, sometimes badass, and always interesting. Here are the best names in the 2011 NCAA tournament:

G Dalton Pepper- West Virginia
Dalton Pepper is almost unquestionably the funniest name in the tournament. If I were his teammate I would walk up to him and give him a little shake, thus becoming the Dalton Pepper shaker.

G Ivory White- Alabama State
Would Ebony Black be as good of a name?

G Bradford Burgess- VCU
That's a name for parliament. It can only be bettered by adding Willhelm as a middle name and Perhaps making him the third. Bradford Willhelm Burgess III. Yup, that's it.

F Dallas Lauderdale- Ohio State
Without ever seeing Dallas Lauderdale, I would know not to mess with him. That's a badass name. Then, I find out he's 6'8" 260. Now I try to stay out of the same state as him and avoid the city of Dallas just for good measure.

F Colton Christian- Michigan
Christianity, a cult? Good work mr. and mrs. Christian.

Demertri McCamey- Illinois
Demetri McCamey is reclaiming the name Demetri from the nerds and seizing it for the athletes
Dmitri, backyard baseball                                                   Demetri, baller

Kevin Feeney- Xavier
It's Mr. Feeney's son! No? it's not. Well, still a legendary last name. Boy Meets World- quality show.

Demontez Stitt- Clemson
Put this one in the badass category. Names ending in z are generally good.

Dean Melchionni- Texas
Mel-key-own-eee. The name is smooth like milk. Dean is the perfect finishing touch.

Mike Broghammer- Notre Dame
I'm sure this last name will spawn many chants from the Notre Dame faithful if the sophomore becomes a good basketball player.

Venoy Overton- Washington
This name is sweet. His end of game decision-making against UNC? Well, that venoyed the heck out of me. My bracket was officially over...ton.

Pooh Williams- Utah State
His name is Poo. That's amazing.